We have a lot on our roadmap. The poll below presents the major planned new features.
But we want to first implement those most wished for – so we need your feedback!
Please vote for up to 3 features that the Simulator absolutely must have.

If your wish is not listed – please leave a comment! Here are more details on some features:
- enhanced graphics. Show tooltips (e.g. order profit), zoom in and out, scroll with mouse, detach graphs as separate windows, etc.
- tick data recorder. Record a trading session while you are at work. Practice on it while commuting home.
- trade recorder/player. Save your practice for later analysis.
- multiuser mode. Practice together with your friends or have a content.
- autotrader. Compete with automated trading strategy.
- real time price sync. Download from the server the price data that you missed during online simulation when your Internet connection was lost.
MT4 integration. Thank you.
Bring it on.